The incomparable beauty of black in design: the Favorita range in black granites

4 reading time

The incomparable beauty of black in design: the Favorita range in black granites

4 reading time

Black, an absence of color that contains an overwhelming power, is capable of awakening intense emotions. Despite being considered a "non-color", it can also represent the ensemble of all chromatic shades.

Black, an absence of color that contains an overwhelming power, is capable of awakening intense emotions. Despite being considered a "non-color", it can also represent the ensemble of all chromatic shades.

Much loved for its elegance, especially in clothing where it reigns supreme on the most special occasions, the choice of black goes beyond the mere aesthetic aspect: this shade, the darkest among the colors, is imbued with a complex perceptual and emotional meaning, offering a wide range of sensations.

An essential component to confer depth and create contrast with other shades, black is – precisely for these reasons – a fundamental element in interiors: sometimes as a supporting actor, but sometimes also as the star.

The color black has always been considered the king of colors. Mysterious, sophisticated, strong, bold and formal... it can confer invisibility or highlight an important presence. It is a color that is full of mystery and magical connotations, which is therefore capable of offering infinite possibilities of transformation.

It has always left its mark on art, fashion and increasingly in design, thanks to its ability to reshape spaces. According to the ancient Chinese philosophy of feng shui, black is welcome in space, as it encourages creativity and gives a sense of depth. In the psychology of colors, it is considered the color of authority, power, emotional stability and security.

In all design projects, whether they are living areas, open spaces or modern kitchens, black offers bold refinement.


The Color Black used in home projects


The color black offers a wide range of possibilities when it comes to designing the interiors of a house. It can be used in different areas, each of which contributes to creating a unique and evocative atmosphere.

Walls and Rooms: A black wall, or even a room entirely painted black, can create a cozy and intimate environment, perfect for relaxing areas such as the bedroom or the study.
Joinery: Black doors and windows can add a touch of charm and mystery to the interior, creating a fascinating contrast on white walls or lighter furnishings.

Details: Using black for details such as frames, lamps or furnishing accessories can add character and personality to environments, without trying to hide it, but rather enhancing it to the fullest.

Contrasts: Combining black with neutral or more vivid colors can create interesting and pleasant contrasts, giving depth and dynamism to spaces.

Light Points: It is essential to ensure that you have good lighting when using large black surfaces, to avoid creating an environment that is too dark or closed.

The history of black in kitchen interior design represents one of the most fascinating journeys through the evolution of interior design. Initially considered too dark or oppressive, black has gained popularity with the advent of more modern and minimalist design styles.

Choosing black for the kitchen is not only a matter of style, but of creating an atmosphere that conveys elegance, power and depth, making this space not only functional, but also aesthetically appealing.

Materials and furnishings are fundamental elements to lend character and style to a black kitchen, combining aesthetics and functionality in a harmonious way. Among the most popular choices, black granite surfaces stand out for their natural beauty and resistance. An equally appealing option is porcelain stoneware, which is particularly suitable for worktops and splash guards, ensuring both an elegant appearance and durability over time.

Black Granite: Elegance and Resistance

Black granite combines the timeless beauty of granites with the extraordinary qualities of resistance and versatility typical of this natural stone. Thanks to its chemical and mineralogical composition, derived from the volcanic formation in the depths of the earth, granite stands out for its resistance and its spectacular presence in any environment. Chosen by architects, designers and builders for its unique properties, black granite adds a touch of luxury and modernity to every space.

Versatility of Black Granites in Interior Design

Black granites lend themselves to a wide range of applications in the field of interior design. Perfect for kitchen countertops, floors, wall coverings and luxury bathrooms, these materials add a touch of sophisticated elegance to any environment. Their robustness and ease of maintenance make them ideal for both residential and commercial projects, perfectly combining aesthetics and functionality.

The Exclusive Selection of Favorita Black Granites

Our collection of black granites has been carefully selected to offer the best in terms of quality and beauty. Among the most popular varieties are:

Black Vermont

Absolute black

Black Galaxy

Titanium top

Via lattea

Virginia Black

Black cosmic

Black river

Black storm

In particular, Black Vermont, which is exclusive to Favorita, stands out for its charming anthracite black color, which makes it an ideal choice for high-impact kitchen countertops.

Black Vermont blocks from Brazil represent international excellence within our prestigious collection. Appreciated for its evocative hue and subtle tone-on-tone veining, this granite is loved by architects, planners and interior designers for its versatility and its ability to transform any space into an environment of refined elegance.



Our collection of black granites offers an exclusive selection of natural stones, combining superior quality and distinctive design. Whether you are looking for the perfect black, white or other colored granite, Favorita has the ideal solution for you.

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